Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sorry About All This Guys.

First of all Sorry about all this guys our Internet has been down for weeks and I guess we where so lazy that well it to two weeks for us to get off our lazy bums and fix it. I guess just to make this a little bit longer I will talk about the Globetrotters game that I went to on Thursday. Actually That's about all there is to it except for we saw the Franklin's along with Josh there and the team did lots of cool tricks well that was the game. But back on topic I have no clue whatsoever how many people are reading my posts so PLEASE!!! Comment and tell me what you think I should write about Next otherwise this blog may die. well that's about it and so closes my shortest post in history.


Brian said...

Online Tag! You're it!

Jonny said...

AUGHHH!!! DANG IT BRIAN!!! dont make me come upstairs!!! fine

Anonymous said...

Pudding, write all about pudding. Thanks for starting the tag Brian- we're all extremely amused.

Jake H said...

Colin, you know you started the tagging, you tagged me first! Unless these comments were posted before Colin tagged me... great, now you all have me confused : (

Jonny is surely doomed. He should write about kittens. Everyone likes kittens. Except Roger...

Brian said...

Actually I started it out of boredom and Faith better not ruin it for the rest of us. I should probably state the procedures when someone doesn't play. (God forbid)