Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry CHRISTmas And An Evil Cat

YAY now I can put vids on my blog and this is oh so funny I just had to. Well Christmas is nearly here and I have like 20 of presents under the tree waiting for me to vigorously unwrap. But enough of this "me" attitude I am happy for my siblings and the good part is I know what there getting and they don't! But Really I think it is WAY to easy to get sidetracked from the REAL meaning of Christmas and that is them birth of our lord Jesus Christ. But still I think that the meaning of Christmas is being erased from our lives and that's why I'm glad to be a Homeschooler because I can say A prayer or say Merry Christmas whenever I like unlike my Public schooled friends. But still I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to know whats under the Christmas tree for you just keep it centred on Jesus. Wow my posts just keep on getting smaller and smaller this is not good well I guess just watch the Video Again.


Anonymous said...

Rock on Jonny, presents under the tree, and of course Jesus. So I agree, I love presents almost as much as Box, so keeping Jesus' birth as the Christmas priority can be difficult. But hey, what is better? Wow, last night I saw a video of a cat that they were trying to get somebody to adopt when it turned evil like that one, but man... that is the most evil cat I have ever seen. Unbelievable.

Jonny said...

Ha ha yeah thats what I was aiming For well yeah Christmas ummmmm yeah.

Anonymous said...

I thinck the evil cat is funny and it is hard to thinck about Jesus when your opening presents.

Jonny said...

Yes ok thats fine now go and play with your ponies.

Jake said...

Meany head. That's an awesome vid their Jonny. I know what you mean about the presents, but I have formed a new theory. I will blog about it later so stay tuned...

Jonny said...

Ok well Im Tuned Now what?!?!?

Jonny said...

I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!!!! oh well........