Dude I Was On TV!
So get this afew weeks ago me and some friends (Yes I have friends) get together and go on down to McKinney Falls State Park for some swimming. Turns out that when we get to the entrance we are approached by a newspaper reporter with the Austin American Statesman. She said the the day before a man drowned in the river there. Needless to say we where all thinking the same thing COME ON LETS GET TO THE WATER! But when we actually got to the parking lot we saw a Fox 7 news van. We all thought the same thing to ourselves "Cool lets get them to interview us!" And they actually did in fact it got quite annoying due to the fact that they wouldn't stop filming or following us. But hey at leats I was on the news thats somthing oh by the way here's the Link for the video. So after another few hours of horsing around we decide to go on over to the "Lower Falls" where we find two other filming crews there. One of them for the Hispanic news network and the other I think was a k-eye news team but I don't know. So after being interviewed again we set off to swimming for awhile then we finished the day off with a pit stop at Sonic and that was that.

For some reason beyond my control I have been seeing alot of movies lately oh yeah that's right...its summer. Anyway first on our list is Even Almighty. I personally think that this movie was better and defiantly more kid friendly than Bruce Almighty it also has a great story. There was some crude humor and language but that doesn't really bother me oh well whatever. Next is Ratatouille

Ah Pixar the greatest kids movie company by far has released yet another brilliant movie this year. With a young rat chef named Remmy as the main protagonist this brings some comedy to the film from the start. I don't want to give the whole thing away but lets just say before long his dream comes true to become a master chef. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I give it 5 Stars.
The Rest of the movies that I have seen recently have all been rentals. Some of wich have been American Outlaws, Toy Story 2 and Hogans Heroes Episodes. Well I wont waste your time with the rest after all a picture is worth a thousand words and I have two of those plus an extra video so I think im good for now. until next time this is Jonny signing off.
looks nice...
Thanks B
Back at ya Stuper J
like your music
Hey Jonny... I like the look man! And the music is good too, especially My Glorious by Chris Tomlin!! :-)
Thanks Matt
I mean Matchuw
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