Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Quiz

Alright here's how I see it. Even though I have completely redone my blog i still have a considerable lack in comments which I see as the coming death of this blog. In other words I couldn't think of a better sentence Starter for this post. Summer is almost over and that means back to school which can be a good thing hmmm... NAH! Anyways I'm just trying to give all three of my readers some entertainment before school starts. So here it go's


You read the questions and then comment your answers for newbies without Blogger accounts you can just comment under "Other". (You don't need to put a web page) I will be judging the winner according to the overall mix of humor,originality and truthful answers.

1. Name

2. Favorite color

3. Favorite dessert

4. Favorite book

5. How many times have you been to a "Six Flags" Park

6. Favorite animal

7. What is the last thing you watched on T.V.

8. Favorite Pass Time

9. What is your favorite video game

10. What is your favorite movie company

11. How many grapes have you fit in your mouth at one time

12. What are you wearing right now

13. What was the last movie you went out to see

14. How many hours a day do think you spend on the computer

15. What is your favorite web page

16. What is your quest

17. What grade are you in

18. Do you have any friends

19. Do you have any tattoos

20. Have you ever been out of the country

21. Do you have any pets

22. What is your favorite sport

23. How many siblings do you have

24. Do you have a PS3, XBOX 360, or Wii

25. If you could have any super power in the world what would it be

That's It For The Quiz.

Recent Stuff...

Well this is probably news to most of you I have now officially read the whole Bible it took like a year and a half too but the feeling of accomplishment is great. Well other than that my life has seemed to be passing rather slowly but hey there's always umm Christmas and uhh blockbuster other than that life seems like such a blip on the screen. Well until next time this is Jonny signing off.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Dude I Was On TV!

So get this afew weeks ago me and some friends (Yes I have friends) get together and go on down to McKinney Falls State Park for some swimming. Turns out that when we get to the entrance we are approached by a newspaper reporter with the Austin American Statesman. She said the the day before a man drowned in the river there. Needless to say we where all thinking the same thing COME ON LETS GET TO THE WATER! But when we actually got to the parking lot we saw a Fox 7 news van. We all thought the same thing to ourselves "Cool lets get them to interview us!" And they actually did in fact it got quite annoying due to the fact that they wouldn't stop filming or following us. But hey at leats I was on the news thats somthing oh by the way here's the Link for the video. So after another few hours of horsing around we decide to go on over to the "Lower Falls" where we find two other filming crews there. One of them for the Hispanic news network and the other I think was a k-eye news team but I don't know. So after being interviewed again we set off to swimming for awhile then we finished the day off with a pit stop at Sonic and that was that.

Recent Stuff...

For some reason beyond my control I have been seeing alot of movies lately oh yeah that's right...its summer. Anyway first on our list is Even Almighty. I personally think that this movie was better and defiantly more kid friendly than Bruce Almighty it also has a great story. There was some crude humor and language but that doesn't really bother me oh well whatever. Next is Ratatouille

Ah Pixar the greatest kids movie company by far has released yet another brilliant movie this year. With a young rat chef named Remmy as the main protagonist this brings some comedy to the film from the start. I don't want to give the whole thing away but lets just say before long his dream comes true to become a master chef. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and I give it 5 Stars.

The Rest of the movies that I have seen recently have all been rentals. Some of wich have been American Outlaws, Toy Story 2 and Hogans Heroes Episodes. Well I wont waste your time with the rest after all a picture is worth a thousand words and I have two of those plus an extra video so I think im good for now. until next time this is Jonny signing off.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Summer Plans

For all of you who love the office and don't care for Heroes here's a little treat have fun. Now back on topic my summer has officially been kicked off with a full day at none other than the one and only Six flags Fiesta Texas. And in a matter of hours actually I will be departing to camp eagle for Leave 07. After that departure I will enjoy my 14th birthday (Hard to believe I know) and then about two weeks of "Rest and Relaxation" with friends and family. Following those two weeks I will embark on a 7 hour flight to Hawaii and enjoy myself there for about 1 1/2 weeks. then its off to Boot Camp which will be AMAZING as usual. Following that I will go to a Summer Camp held at "Lost Pines Scout Reservation" in July that will go on for about a week. One week after that comes "The Great Adventure" truly one of the most incredible events ever! And a week or two after that I will go to Mexico to build a church and minister to the people there for the event known as "Go Arteaga" then my entire August is basically free and will most likely be filled with multiple trips to Six Flags thanks to my season pass. Well that's my "Planned" summer and until next time this is Jonny Signing off.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why I Spent $600.00

This is hilarious! but back on topic. I have spent my well earned money on one of the most incredible and impressive pieces if machinery yes a PS3 but not only a PS3 but a 60 Gig PS3. So you may ask why have I spent such a large amount on green on such a thing and I respond to you with 60 gigs of memory, free online store access, wireless internet access, dual core processors, and a free roaming internet browser along with the capability to run XP or even Vista on this highly crafted piece of machinery. So I have had this system for approximately one month but the idiocy of B-Safe has prevented me from bloggingly announcing it.

Now then with that matter out of the way I would like to again bloggingly announce that I have almost graduated to high school. Yes I know it is hard to believe but in a matter of months I will be a High schooler.(Scary isn’t it)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I Can Spell!!! (To Some Extent)

Despite my few fans requests I am actually going to write about how I Jonny Hill am taking a Spelling class and on one of my last tests I missed only 3 words out of I think 22. So now on to more spelling then I will against my better judgement talk about pudding and yes kittens. So spelling ya ummmm on to pudding. Pudding comes in 2 basic favors chocolate and vanilla but sometimes strawberry. There are also chocolate fudge and Oreo pudding along with many others that fail to come to mind. Next topic, its time for Kittens. Kittens are baby cats THE END.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sorry About All This Guys.

First of all Sorry about all this guys our Internet has been down for weeks and I guess we where so lazy that well it to two weeks for us to get off our lazy bums and fix it. I guess just to make this a little bit longer I will talk about the Globetrotters game that I went to on Thursday. Actually That's about all there is to it except for we saw the Franklin's along with Josh there and the team did lots of cool tricks well that was the game. But back on topic I have no clue whatsoever how many people are reading my posts so PLEASE!!! Comment and tell me what you think I should write about Next otherwise this blog may die. well that's about it and so closes my shortest post in history.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Whats with Wheelies?

Well here is the second instalment of anamator vs anamation well here's the sad part. As sad as I am to say this our church must be the most out of date church that I personally have ever seen. In case you haven't noticed a ridiculously large amount of people have gotten wheelies for Christmas and wear them to church like every week and they'll go "cruising" down the hall showing off their "cool" wheelies. So the question is how do we get out of this 8 year old fad? The answer is simple we can ether Burn all of the kids with wheelies of just tell them to get some real shoes or we could just wait for these fads to wear out and die completely in our church so that's it about wheelies.

Ice Week

OK this week was one of the coldest,wettest Ice filled weeks of the new year the first day was all right but there was no school so no one was complaining I mean yeah there was some Ice here and there but compared to the other two days it was nothing. the next day it was cold and like I said Ice covered we went sledding down at the park and I think that its fair to say that their was an extra inch of ice on practically everything including our trampoline witch was practically like a fish pond with a thin sheet of ice which was AWESOME!!! the last day we yet again got school off along with D-Groups. Well that was my week and now Alicia's comments of the week......

Alicia's Comments of the week......

Last week I rode Stepper a hard mouthed fast brown horse. Lydia rode a new horse to Ziggy a bay horse. Me and Lydia stayed in the arena until we had to cool them of then we went to the back trail.That's all sorry it wasn't longer.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

School to Me

Anamator vs Anamation a classic vid all for my adoring fans. Well the first week of school is among us and most are probly just trying to cope with it (Myself) while others just want to get it over with not caring what grades they get (Little Lady Laden) Just kidding. But now back to the matter at hand School the time of year when alas no children are out frollicing on the sidewalk and only squrls are left to play amongst themselvs on the playscape. well my friends I have the soulution. I say that we go on STRIKE!!! eather that or just keep going with it so that you can get a job and actually have money that you have earned. well thats it I just wanted to give my fans somthong about school. Oh yeah here's Alicias comments of the week...

Alicias Comments Of the Week.........

This week I got some music from choir and it looks realy hard its in german and I have one in latin and an english one. Today Jonny got a eye toy dancing game and I like playing it. I also got my pony pakege in today with alot of horse stuff like a jurnal,books, and stuff. Tomarow I'm going horse back riding and I want Jonny to come but I dont think he would want to come. That's all.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Alicia's Post on Jonny's Blog

Hi I'm Jonny's sister I'm seeing if I am popular enough to have a Blog with Lydia. I will start telling you about myself. First I am 10 years old my favorite color is Blue and my favorite animal is a horse. Sorry I just wanted to tell you about myself, now I will start typing something interesting.

I take horseback riding lessons every Wednesday morning. I usually ride Nugget a buckskin that doesn't like to be in front and tries to to turn to the side,Or little Red a strawberry roan that either likes to go fast or wants to be slow. But recently I have been riding Joe a tall horse Dark Brown that can some times go to fast, Or Big Mac a brown horse that likes being slow. One time It was windy and dry and there was a lot of wind sometimes we had to slow down it was so bad. A lot of dust got in my eyes that day. I saw Flicka and I liked it. Lydia got the sound track I like the songs my favorite ones are 4:35 A.M., Wild Horses, Weight of the world, and My little Girl. That's all hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

My first Post of 2007

well this vid is also great and cat related. Well the year 2007 is here and I for one spent my new years at the church which was SWEET! well we can now all rest assured that the Rapture did not happen in 2006 but that just means that its one year closer. But seriously the year 2007 is defiantly going to be a great year for our community with I think 3 new Hill Country churches being planted this year. Just if you're wondering I am NOT going to spend this entire post just talking about the numeral 2007 I will also be writing about such things as Christmas and my Winter Camp experience. Starting with Christmas I got tons of wonderful little candies, a power drill, need for speed most wanted (ps2), cars (ps2), Lego star wars 2 (ps2), an Eye Toy (ps2), Battlefield 2 special forces, a model car, 2 pocket knives, a tent, Lego's, and hot chocolate mix (Quite a haul!). So that was my Christmas but here is the week I had after Christmas. Winter camp the coldest camp out for a Boy Scout I had just left the day after Christmas which REALLY STINKS!!! never the less I was there and there was nothing that I could do about it because I was the one who signed up! so we go to Winter Camp a very cold experience I can honestly say that nearly all of the troop had brought those little hand warmers lucky for me they where for sale there at the Trading Post. Winter Camp was fun but basically like going to school! 75 Percent of the time we where there we where ether in class or working on homework for our classes but still it wasn't "hard" exactly sometimes it was even enjoyable but its just that feeling of being trapped inside for another hour and a half. But that wasn't the worst part the absolutely worst part was the food...SISCO Food that was the brand. A plastic company serving us food! (now tell me if that's not Irony?) perhaps the only thing that kept all of us going was the trading post or what I call the bargain bin the snacks there where great and only 50 cents each! so like I said the trading post was what kept us going. But perhaps the best part of Camp was my little talk with 6 guys about what Christmas was all about none actually talked to me about becoming a christian but it was a good start. Well That's my first post of 2007 hope you enjoyed it.